At the behest of various's the story.
Last weekend, we spent a wonderful few days with our friends Valerie and Darren, as guests of Darren's sister & brother-in-law at their amazing cabin near a lake down by Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. We boated, we jet skied, we rode horses, we played games, we geocached, we sang and played music, we laughed and chatted, and had an all around fabulous time. (Thanks Kathy & Mike!)
Doug claims that he had a fabulous plan. Since we managed to leave the cabin by mid-afternoon on Sunday, we should have made it back to Indy by 8 pm or so. That would give us plenty of time have a nice glass of wine by the pond, watch the beautiful sunset, and to savor a wonderful weekend. He would say all sorts of romantic things and I wouldn't be able to resist his perfect proposal.
Ha! Little did Doug know that his carefully laid plans would be foiled by Valerie, Darren and I. But really, shouldn't he know by now how easily we're distracted? By shiny things, "Ooooh! Fort Knox!" And by food, "Ooooh! Steak!" And by spooky roadside attractions, "Ooooh! Haunted Sanitarium!!!"
By the time we finally got back to Indianapolis, it was well past dark, the lonely cats had taken their revenge on some defenseless furniture, phone calls missed over the weekend needed to be returned...and we were just exhausted. And yet, Doug would not be thwarted. He did manage to convince me--despite my whining--to sit down for a nice cuddle and to relish the good weekend we'd just spent together. Then he said all sorts of romantic things and I wasn't able to resist his (not quite as perfect as planned) proposal.
I especially enjoyed that part when the ring box got caught in his pocket.
Even though it was pretty late by the time all the cooing and grinning and cuddling was finished, I was able to call my parents with the good news that often do I get to give my mom an engagement for her birthday present?! I managed to get the news out to all my sisters by early Monday morning....which was good, because by noon, my cousin Rory from Ireland was already congratulating me via Skype. It is just a little scary how well my family's transatlantic grapevine works! :) Doug also managed to give the happy news to his parents, brother and sister after work on Monday.
And then I was able to be obnoxious, and changed our relationship status on Facebook. Heehee.
Update: our next post has a pretty picture of the official engagement ring.