One of my all-time favorite silly activities is dressing up. And as extra icing on the cake, I occasionally can talk my co-workers into dressing up with me! This year for Halloween, our Science department dressed up as the League of Super Invasive Plant Villains. :) Burning Bush, Garlic Mustard, Purple Loosestrife, Canada Thistle and Kudzu were pitted in battle against the valiant super hero, MIPN Man (Midwest Invasive Plant Network Man).

Since I've posted one Halloween shot, here's a link to the Gypsy Moon Ball photo album. Gypsy Moon Ball is the annual Halloween Weekend contra dancing in Indianapolis. It's a wonderfully absurd dance weekend where many dancers come dressed up in some pretty amazing costumes.
And, this year we had a fabulous new (to the Midwest) contra dance band called the Great Bear Trio. Andrew, Noah & Kim VanNorstrand (brothers & mother) were like total contra band rock stars. :) Dance Gypsies should definitely go out of their way to dance to this band
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